With the help of my bgstats app let's start with a quick comparison.
2016: 646 plays in 244 games
2017: 168 plays in 107 games
As you can see I let off the gas considerably when it came to gaming in 2017. I missed out on quite a bit and now seeing fellow gamers posting Top 10 lists I can see the gaping hole in my gaming experiences over the past 12 months.
I needed the break at the time, finding balance and a rhythm to my life again.
Unlike others I am not in a place to put together a 2017 Top Ten list, I can return to that later. Instead I'm going to look to the new year with a few resolutions toward my gaming habits in 2018.
1. Back to Basics and Growth
This resolution is about returning to where I found the love for this hobby by spreading the love. I recall starting my group and busting out the easy to teach, fun to learn games. Even in simplicity you can find joy. Over the years my gaming group grew, as did my tastes and weight of games played. I feel the group became a little too inward facing, impacted further by the fact that I cancelled our regular one night a week.So now I am focusing one day of gaming each month to bringing in newer gamers, or at least re-invigorating my love for the simpler things. Getting the chance to play those older titles that I still regard highly. First Saturdays are planned through the first three months of the year.
I feel a pull to grow more in this manner and getting past more of my social awkwardness. Being open and welcoming to strangers. Getting to know people I haven't had the pleasure to, as well as farming the relationships I have already built.
2. Catching Up & Replaying
What did I miss? How to get caught up? Was there something I only played once?It is a blessing and a curse in this hobby to have such an array of choice at hand. Judging by most other blogs and youtube videos 2017 was another huge year for gaming which only added more to the back log of what I haven't played yet.
To achieve this resolution I am going to put together a list of some recent titles, perhaps some older ones as well, that I would like to get played in the first six months of the year. Not exactly a 10x10 challenge, more of a 20x1.
3. Be More Regular
This could be a diet thing ;) But I'm meaning it through my blogging and posting. I'm going to slow play with a goal of posting at least once a month, going to take notes and put together a plan.As part of this I want to schedule my life better, set aside the time to sit down and type out my thoughts. Which is hard with important life stuff often tugging at my strings. I enjoy sharing what I love so I want to make a more intentional effort to do.
As I said earlier it is all about balance, I need the time to defrag and gaming is generally my avenue for that.
What are your gamings resolutions for 2018?
Happy New Year!! May your life and tabletop be blessed this year.